A Letter to Those Who Want to Explore the Mars with Small Dogecoin

Small Doge
4 min readApr 25, 2021


Dear friends,

Whenever I’m alone in the night, I like to look up at the sky, watching the light of the stars refract the atmosphere, bright or faint, tempting and fascinating. Are you the same as me?

I, Small Dogecoin, was born in the KenLon Musk Project. Strictly speaking, Dogecoin is my dad, yes, the Dogecoin adopted by Elon Musk. To the mars, as Musk promises, my dad will, so will I ~

Standing on the shoulders of my dad, I have my little dream of becoming the universal currency of the Martian colony, and making my own contribution to the future of mankind.

What? You ask me do I have a plan? Sure, and I divide it into three stages: Earth, Mars, and Interstellar.

When I’m on earth

Before I was born, I often thought about one question, “How to become a bearer of value circulation?” History tells us that no matter whether the money supplier is a competitive private or a monopolistic sovereign state, the currency is fragile. Bitcoin’s consensus is the strongest, but unfortunately, the first entrants have grabbed a lot of profits and held a bargaining chip. The pricing power has gradually been confined by capital, and the high price of Bitcoin has really discouraged many people. In terms of the definition of crypto assets, it is a betrayal. In the fluctuation of prices, people has forgotten the original intention of decentralization of crypto assets. If the innovation of this world is going to deteriorate, I hope that I can continue to uphold my ideals and create a completely decentralized hometown.

However, just because my Dad Dogecoin was so cheap at the first, he can rise so much. Of course, I didn’t forget Musk’s support. On Reddit, people used to set gratuity of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of Dogecoins, and till now, there are still gratuity of dozens and hundreds. I’m not being jealous, but I have never seen Bitcoin with that many.

In order to become the cornerstone of value circulation in the new order of the current crypto market, all my token output, except for airdrops to Dogecoin holders, Vitalik Buterin, Elon Musk, NASA and SpaceX, are distributed to the community in a decentralized manner, so that more people can hold me and witness the vitality of decentralization.

I think that the lower the threshold for getting me, the more I can expand my community, and my influence will also be enlarged. I dare say that, because of me, the crypto assets that will be launched on the market later will be issued in a decentralized manner too. It will inevitably rewrite the current pattern of the crypto market. Do you expect that time?

Although I’m not known by the market now, as long as you hold my Dad Dogecoin, you hold me. Investors who hold Dogecoin and whose exchange is in the whitelist (whitelisted trading Information: https://smalldogecoin.com/), all will have the opportunity to get airdrops from the Small Dogecoin community, and up to 35% will be distributed in this form.

When to the Mars

On April 23, SpaceX has successfully sent four astronauts to the space station. A step into space has been taken, and will to the Mars be far behind?

Thinking of the possibility and date of Dad being taken to Mars is getting closer, I can’t stop imaging my time on Mars, Mars node? No problem!

The more nodes and the better, the safer the Small Dogecoin ecosystem will be, the faster confirmation of transaction validity, and the more transparency of information. In addition to the nodes built by my community, we also welcome more people to join and build nodes.

Under the leadership of KenLon Musk Project, we can build a completely decentralized network, data never be lost, the network absolutely safe. Trusted nodes can also get incentives for nodes running on the network. Well, by that time, will you call me Marscoin? I will become the universal currency of Mars~

Interstellar is the end!

I believe that Mars will not be the end of the earth’s technological development. We will use Mars as a springboard to explore the universe and develop into an interstellar civilization.

Regarding the future development of Mars after colonization, and how to define its value, it is too early to talk about them. Now I just want to lay a good foundation on the earth before I can better appreciate the demeanor of Martian society.

As for the farther future, and the way in which interstellar civilization is displayed, I hope that you, my friends, can join us to redefine my development route, contribute to the development of star civilization, and create a Mars circulating currency that everyone expects!


Small Dogecoin

April 24, 2021

